The new issue of The EchoUUP’s official online-only membership magazine, is out!

UUP members speak loudly and forcefully against the union-busting Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 case in this issue, which has coverage of the Working People’s Day of Action in New York City on Feb. 24. UUP President Fred Kowal gave a rousing speech at the event, which drew thousands of unionists and labor supporters. A link to that video is in the issue.

There’s also a story on UUP joining a Feb. 26 Janus protest in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., as justices heard oral arguments in the case.

The issue has a bunch of photos from both events. And, you can also read about new new mortgage and refinance benefit for UUP members.

You can read The Echo in pdf format and in an e-mgazine.


Thank you for reading!