Although the Supreme Court ruled against working people June 27 in its decision in Janus v. AFSCME, the AFT and its members are standing strong and sticking with the union. This case is widely seen as a blatant political attack to further rig the economy and democracy against everyday Americans, in favor of the wealthy and powerful. Unions remain the most effective vehicle for ensuring working people have the power in numbers they need to secure their rights and freedoms, and for providing a pathway to the middle class. The AFT and its sister unions will remain a strong and vibrant force for working people, and will continue fighting to sustain our families, improve our workplaces and make our communities stronger regardless of the court’s ruling.
“Don’t count us out,” says AFT President Randi Weingarten. “While today the thirst for power trumped the aspirations and needs of communities and the people who serve them, workers are sticking with the union because unions are still the best vehicle working people have to get ahead. Strong unions create strong communities. We will continue fighting, caring, showing up and voting, to make possible what is impossible for individuals acting alone.”