
Each year it gives me great pleasure to thank all those who participated in the Hats for Heroes program that UUP sponsors at the Long Island State Veterans Home and this year is no exception.  We again helped to cover the cost of military service caps supplied to our veterans in the LISVH, both residents and those in the Adult Day care program.

I thank all of you who individually donated, those of you who collected within your departments, and the UUP Community Services Committee who helped to get the word out about this wonderful cause.  For some departments I did not receive individual names to thank so please thank all those in your area who gave.  I would like to thank Eileen Zappia who connected us with the National Corvette Restorers Society of Metro Long Island who was one of our major sponsors this year; thank you to NCRS members Mark Tulley and Frank Erbio;  thank you to NCRS member Bob Spinicchia who attended the ceremony.  It is because of the efforts of all of you that we are able to do what we do.

Joan Dickinson and myself had the honor of helping to hand out hats to each veteran as they arrived at the LISVH Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, 11/13/17, and thanking them for their service.
Our UUP West Campus/Southampton Chapter President Kevin Moriarty spoke and presented your donations to Jonathan Spier, the Deputy Executive Director of LISVH.  Kevin expressed how so many of you tell us how dear our veterans and this program are to them, and how much we all thank our veterans for their brave service to our country.  We also thanked the wonderful LISVH employees who make LISVH a home where our residents receive the care and respect they deserve.  They really made this day special for our veterans and included several musical selections beautifully done by the 5th grade classes from New Lane Elementary School which were enjoyed by all.

As always we are grateful to Fred Sganga, Executive Director of LISVH, and Jonathan for allowing us to sponsor this wonderful program.

With Thanksgiving almost here I am thankful to be able to join all of you to help our veterans and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Land of the Free, Because of the Brave

Nancy Gaugler