National affiliates fed up with Trump border actions

  UUP’s national affiliates, AFT and NEA, have filed a human rights complaint against the Trump administration, as the outcry continues against the inhumane and unimaginable treatment of undocumented immigrants and their children. Read it HERE....

Inside AFT: More than 2,000 new faculty join the AFT

It’s official: The AFT is welcoming 2,400 new faculty members at Oregon State University, where a strong majority signed cards affirming support for union membership. On June 27—the same day the Supreme Court voted against unions in Janus v. AFSCME—the Oregon...

Inside AFT: Michigan lecturers win tentative agreement

The Lecturers’ Employee Organization at the University of Michigan reached a tentative agreement June 22 that would raise their pay from currently untenable salaries, increase their retirement income, and improve healthcare access and job security. By the end of the...

UUP President Kowal Discusses Janus Decision

Dear Colleagues, UUP President Fred Kowal discussed the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the Januscase last night (June 27) on “Capital Tonight” on Spectrum cable. You can watch the video by CLICKING HERE or by going to the UUP website; the video is in the rotator at...

NYSUT Offering

NYSUT has been providing paid fellowships for UUP Members so they can reach out to members in our bargaining unit to explain why the union is important. UUP members who wish to receive training will be allowed to train in any region and work in their home turf area...

URGENT: Contract Funding Imperiled

Dear Colleagues: Senate Republican leadership is holding up the legislation (S 9101) that enables the members of UUP to receive the compensation provided in our recently negotiated contract.  They are holding that legislation hostage to the passage of legislation that...

UUP Reading Group Reminder

The UUP Reading Group will be discussing the Chapter 3 + 4 of Labor Organizer Jane McAleevey’s book, Raising Expectations ……My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement. The Goal of this Reading Group will be to discuss Labor Organizing in the 21st Century,...