UUP Benefits Day Today in SAC Ballroom A

UUP Benefits Day https://www.facebook.com/events/116418249150310/ Meet with UUP Benefit Representatives and several vendors! Prize Raffles! Free Giveaways! Come learn about the many negotiated benefits and discounted services available to you and your eligible...

UUP Member Survey Reminder

UUP Member Survey. How are we Doing? *Anonymous*   As part of UUP’s outreach efforts we are asking our members to fill out a short survey. The purpose of the survey is to gather information from chapter members’ that will assist chapter leaders in...

Advocacy Announcement: I Stand with Oklahoma Teachers!

Today, across the state of Oklahoma, tens of thousands of teachers are walking off the job. They’re converging on the state capitol in Oklahoma City to take a stand for high-quality public schools. Will you have their backs? Add your name to our message and let the...

Union Strong Always!

Show your support for the current Contract Negotiations and your commitment to fighting for fair and equitable treatment within the workplace; download and sign a Union Strong Always commitment card using the link below: Union Strong Always Card   Drop you card...

UUP Benefits Day Reminder

UUP Benefits Day https://www.facebook.com/events/116418249150310/ Meet with UUP Benefit Representatives and several vendors! Prize Raffles! Free Giveaways! Come learn about the many negotiated benefits and discounted services available to you and your eligible...