Welcome back!

We’ve got your back… In a back-to-school video message, NYSUT officers make it clear the union is there for members. Wondering why unions and working people are under attack? A new video just in time for Labor Day explains why....

Inside UUPdate: State’s fund redistribution is legal

  A federal district court has ruled that New York acted legally in its redistribution of federal funds among insurance companies. This has implications for the SUNY hospitals, all of which are required by state law and their mission to care for all patients,...

Inside AFT: Share our survey on gun violence in schools

It’s #TimeToTalk about solutions to the gun violence problem, so we’re launching a nationwide survey to hear from students and educators across the country. Working with students and partners, we’ll be releasing some of the results from our nationwide survey...

Inside AFT: Lawmakers try to protect unions

States across the country are taking steps to protect working people in the wake of Janus v. AFSCME. Legislation has been passed to guarantee public sector unions have access to contact information for new hires, to limit the time period in which people can revoke...

Contract Ratification Notice

Ballots for members to vote on the current tentative collective bargaining agreement between NYS/UUP will be mailed to members’ addressed this week. Official ratification will occur on September 5th, all ballots are due on close of business September 4th as per...