Update on Contract Negotiations

Dear Colleagues: As you know, Philippe Abraham was elected 1st Vice President of NYSUT in early April.  At that time, he and I were in agreement that his work as Chief Negotiator for UUP would be minimally impacted by his new role.  We had also made the appropriate...

Leave Donation Program

Do you know that UUP has a provision in the contract for a Leave Donation Program? If you don’t then you should look at page 114 of the current contract (7/2/2011-7/1/2016.) At the bottom of the page you’ll find “APPENDIX A-45: Leave Donation Program”. This is one of...

Membership Committee Volunteers Wanted

Section 5.2.8 The Membership Development Officer (MDO) shall work to promote membership growth; shall present to the executive board recommendations with respect to membership development; shall serve, by virtue of the office as a member of the committee on active...

UUP Members Unite for a Fair Contract!

Our Union, United University Professions, is currently working on our behalf to negotiate a fair and equitable contract with SUNY and the State. These negotiations began in July 2016 and have not yet resulted in a tentative agreement. Members interested in supporting...

Hats for Heroes – Veterans Day 2017

Hello, Each year it gives me great pleasure to thank all those who participated in the Hats for Heroes program that UUP sponsors at the Long Island State Veterans Home and this year is no exception.  We again helped to cover the cost of military service caps supplied...
Empire Plan (NYSHIP)

Empire Plan (NYSHIP)

Empire Plan (NYSHIP) For a full list of benefits, click here: http://uupinfo.org/benefits/info.php NYS Health Insurance Program 877-769-7447 United Healthcare (medical or sugical benefits and claims, outpatient reaiology, certification of home care, medical equipment,...
Davis Vision

Davis Vision

Davis Vision For the latest info about claim forms, enrollment and finding a Davis Vision provider: Home For a full list of benefits, click here: http://uupinfo.org/benefits/info.php  ...