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UUP the Union that makes SUNY Work

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Please read this text before filling out and submitting the online membership form.

Get Involved. . . Join UUP!

YES! I request and accept membership in United University Professions/AFT Local 2190 (UUP), and its affiliates, New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the National Education Association (NEA), and the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

I recognize the need for a strong union and I believe everyone represented by a union should pay their fair share to support the union’s activities. I hereby request and voluntarily authorize my employer to deduct an amount equal to the regular monthly dues applicable to members of UUP and remit that amount to UUP. I understand that this authorization and assignment is not a condition of my employment and shall remain in effect, regardless of whether I am or remain a member of the union, for a period of one year from the date of this authorization and shall automatically renew from year to year unless I revoke this authorization by completing and sending the UUP opt-out form via U.S. mail during the annual window period of July 1-31.

Information regarding the changes in the Taylor Law can be found by clicking here.

Why Join UUP?

Join the fight for a sustainable future!

Contact your local legislators today!

UUP Legislative Agenda

UUP’s Legislative Agenda is developed annually to reflect our advocacy priorities for that year. This agenda focuses on issues that impact our members, public higher education and the institutions and programs in SUNY. Advocacy on these issues continues throughout the year, and takes place in Albany as well as in every legislative district across New York State. Take a look at our legislative priorities below and then head over to our “Get Involved” page to see how you can join our fight!

UUP Vote Cope

VOTE-COPE funds help protect our collective bargaining rights.

Your statewide affiliate—New York State United Teachers—has a nonpartisan political fundraising arm called VOTE-COPE that coordinates the voluntary contributions of members and supports NYSUT-endorsed candidates and campaign committees that are pro-public education and pro-labor.

No union dollars are used to support candidates or campaign committees.

UUP Organizing and Member Communications

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