Save the date! On Friday, June 1, join educators, parents and education supporters across the state to protest — or party — in support of APPR reform! Click here for more information!

We have been working for years to return control over teacher evaluations to local school districts and teachers. Thanks to you, we are closer than ever to fixing New York’s flawed and unfair teacher performance review law. Our bill passed the Assembly by a nearly unanimous 133-1 vote. Now the Senate needs to honor teachers by voting on S.8301. Now. With no strings attached.

If Senate Republicans do the right thing and pass the bill, we will gladly use these rallies to thank them. If they don’t, we must be there in person to demand that they do!

Save the date! On Friday, June 1, join educators, parents and education supporters across the state to protest — or party — in support of APPR reform! Click here for more information!

On Friday, June 1, from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., we will be rallying outside Senate Republican offices in support of real APPR reform. We are closer now than we have ever been to achieving victory in this critical fight.

Please join us!

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President