This survey seeks information on the experiences and work conditions of part-time and full-time contingent academic employees at SUNY state-operated campuses and health science centers. UUP defines contingent academics as “those persons appointed to any academic position which does not prescribe eligibility for continuing appointment [tenure].” This definition includes those with adjunct, lecturer, or visiting titles.

This survey should take roughly 20 to 30 minutes to complete. It is long because we are seeking a wide range of information to better understand and meet the needs of contingents.

The survey is anonymous; we do not ask for and do not want any identifying information. While you may take the survey on a phone, it is not formatted for mobile devices. You may edit your answers for as long as the survey window remains open on your computer.  Please note that the survey cannot be reopened once the window is closed. This is because the survey was designed to ensure participants’ anonymity.

We anticipate that the results of this survey will inform future reports and initiatives on how best to support contingent academics. If you have any questions or concerns, or would prefer to receive a hard copy of the survey, please contact Jamie Dangler, UUP Vice President for Academics at 1-800-342-4206 or

If you teach or have taught at more than one SUNY campus, please answer the questions according to what you believe most accurately captures your general experiences and conditions as a SUNY contingent academic. We understand that contingent academic experiences vary greatly. Not all of the questions will apply to all the respondents. Feel free to skip questions that you believe are not appropriate for you.


Access the Survey Here.