Section 5.2.8 The Membership Development Officer (MDO) shall work to promote membership growth; shall present to the executive board recommendations with respect to membership development; shall serve, by virtue of the office as a member of the committee on active retired membership and as a member of the membership committee; and shall perform such other membership related functions as may be directed by the president or the executive board. The MDO shall be responsible for organizing campaigns for new members; encouraging fee payers regularly to join UUP; acting as liaison with statewide MDO and overseeing a department representative structure.


The Membership Development Committee, or Membership Committee, is the umbrella committee comprised of participating Departmental Representatives, interested chapter members and officers who volunteer to work closely with the Membership Development Officer [MDO] in the carrying out of their assigned duties on behalf of the membership and chapter.  Going into the coming new year, the committee is looking to expand its membership and seeks out volunteers who are interested in reaching out to their campus colleagues in collaboration with the Departmental Representatives and as part of the organizing initiative the Departmental Action Program (DAPS); the program is an extension of Chapter Action Program initiated by UUP and NYSUT to educate our members to the benefits of union membership.

Training and support will be provided by UUP, and all are welcome to participate at any level.

Interested parties are asked to contact the Chapter Office at: 631-632-6570.