Nominations for the Hansen Award are now open.

The Hansen Award is given to a UUP Professional Member who has made lasting contributions to UUP at the chapter level as well as making significant achievements through service at the chapter level.

Nominations May be made to the UUP office between November 14th and December 13, at 12 PM.
The nominee must be a professional.
The nominee must be either a member of the Southampton or West Campus UUP Chapters.
Nomination may not be taken from the floor during an EB or General Membership meeting.

This award may be awarded posthumously.
Any member may make a nomination.
Current Chapter officers are not eligible for this award.

Current Committee members are not eligible for this award.

The nomination shall be made by submitting a one page typed letter that shall contain;
  • The nominee’s name and contact information or in the case of a posthumous award, a person whom the chapter president considers an appropriate surrogate may be later added to the nomination. Suggestions to this end being made by the nomineer and\or the awards committee.
  •  Contributions to UUP at the Chapter level (Positions/Committees), including dates.
  •  Contributions to UUP at the statewide level (Positions/Committees), including dates.
  •  Contributions to other organizations related to the purposes of UUP, including dates.
  •  Other achievements and/or professional or Union awards related to the purposes of UUP, including dates.

Contact Information:

S5415 Melville Library
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3388

The Chapter office is open M-F,
9:00 am to 3:00 pm