Wishnia Award


Making Our Campus a Better Place For All of Us

UUP the Union that makes SUNY Work

For Exceptional Academic Service to our Chapter

The Wishnia Award was named after both Judy and Arnold for their lifelong dedication to UUP and its causes.  They have both been involved for their entire career and even after retiring advocating for union rights and academic freedom.  Judy and Arnold have been active not only at the chapter level but also on the statewide level.  Arnold has served on several committees and has been a chapter delegate and continues to be.  Judy also served at the statewide level as an executive board member and chair of COARM.  This award is the chapter’s way of recognition of each of their long service and advocacy. This is given out to an academic at  the Stony Brook Chapter who exemplifies the commitment and dedication of the Wishnias.

WISHNIA AWARD is awarded to an academic at the chapter who has contributed significantly to and advocated for UUP at the chapter and statewide levels.

The nomination shall be made by submitting a one page typed letter that shall contain:

● The nominee’s name and contact information or in the case of a posthumous award, a person whom the chapter president considers an appropriate surrogate may be later added to the nomination.
● Contributions to UUP at the Chapter level (Positions/Committees), including dates.
● Contributions to UUP at the statewide level (Positions/Committees), including dates.
● Contributions to other organizations related to the purposes of UUP, including dates.

● Other achievements and/or professional or Union awards related to the purposes of UUP, including dates.

The nominee must be an academic. Current Chapter officers are not eligible for this award. Current Committee members are not eligible for this award.

The deadline to submit nominations to the chapter office is December 1; applications should be sent via email (please include the award name in the subject line) to westchapter@uupsbu.org