For Professionals


Making Our Campus a Better Place For All of Us

UUP the Union that makes SUNY Work

Resources for Professionals

Professionals’ Guide

Dear Professional, Welcome to UUP. This guide was developed for all professional employees to use throughout their employment and careers at SUNY. Three documents are crucial to your success: your appointment letter, your annual performance program and your annual evaluation. These documents impact employment renewals, promotions, salary increases and permanent appointment. It is important to become familiar with the contents of these documents from your first days of employment. Your appointment letter gives you the terms and conditions of your employment. Your performance program records duties and responsibilities that you are assigned for an annual period. Your annual evaluation is based on your performance of the duties and responsibilities in your performance program. You are encouraged to take an active role in the development of your annual performance program.

Working towards permanent appointment should be your goal from your first day of employment at SUNY. Your chances of being recommended for permanent appointment, promoted and awarded salary increases are also enhanced with satisfactory annual evaluations. Familiarizing yourself with the contents of this guide and seeking the help of your UUP chapter leaders can increase your likelihood of having a successful career at SUNY. This guide provides information on how that can be achieved. Tom Tucker Vice President for Professionals 518.640.6600

Additional information on working as an professional member of UUP may be found in the UUP Guide for Professional Employees.

Workload Fact Sheet

Information on dealing with Professional workload creep and overages.